Thursday, July 13, 2006

Ok! This is the first post of this blog and I do not know what I am doing. This is going to be a learning curve. I will start of with why I have started this blog. I have been reading and looking at other knitting and spinning blogs and really enjoyed the history and personal stories of projects in process.
I love to knit and I am just learning how to spin. The process of taking fleece and turning it into yarn is a very rewarding experience.
I also like to cook for people. I would like to make this blog into a record of knitting, spinning, and cooking.

July 13 2006

Today I am babysitting my two grandsons. They love to help in all things and today was not different. Today, they helped with winding yarn into balls with my ballwinder. I like to think they were helping but really they just wanted to play with the winder. Now, at this moment, they are walking around with balls of yarn like they were jewels. I think I am going to have a hard time taking away the yarn when they go home.

On the spinning front, I am spinning the first batch of fleece I have ever dyed. Taking more time that I though it would take but trying to make it nice and even. I am using the guild's spinning wheel and thinking of buying my own. I still do not have a clue what makes a good spinning wheel yet. I am sure it is going to cost me a lot of money to find out.

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